Saturday, September 4, 2010

Of Islam

A friend made a great post that sets me thinking. It is about the music video between a Malaysian female singer, Mizz Nina and Colby O'Donis.

Since her blog is private, quote from her post:

Call me old-fashioned, call me traditional, call me party-pooper, call me thrower of the damper on moods, call me narrow-minded... but I find this whole thing rather appalling. To be perfectly frank, instead of feeling, well, proud, for someone representing my race (and religion) in the international music arena, I feel a tinge of disappointment and a whole lot of uneasiness.

"Cut some slack, they don't even kiss, drink, have sex, etc.," some comments state as such, well that's true, apparent as it is from the video that they don't do any of it.

But let's question ourselves - is this really what we want to portray to people of other religions all over the world? That Malay/Muslims are allowed to do this? That true Muslims are allowed to wear such sexy outfits, that true Muslims are allowed to flirt and pass sexual innuendos to a guy, etc.?

I am sure she's not the only one, I mean I know there are hundreds of artistes out there who do the same or worse. So this is directing to not her alone, but to the others as well.

Some people would think, "At least she's not doing drugs, or smoke, or tattoos herself all over, she just sings, and she sings well, and at least she does her country proud"

Yeah but with the expense of crossing over one's religious boundaries?

Well then maybe you'd scream the fact to my face and say, "Hey what's your problem? It's normal these days... What's the fuss, stop being an oldie and open your mind! It's just a music video, get over it."

Honestly, I didn't know being open-minded means you have to open your mind so wide your brains fall off. Living in a modern world, with modern means, yes, that is what we are encouraged to do, to adapt to the modern society with time... but as a Muslim, we have to know that Islamic context, will never change. It can bend itself to suit today's society but the facts in the Qur'an, the obligations by Allah in the Qur'an, will always remain the same. But it's sad that there are so many out there who still refuse to follow, just because they think they have a whole lifetime ahead of them to change, or they are just being plain ignorant.

I probably shouldn't have bothered, commenting on how wrong Muslims are getting on here, but this concerns the sincerity, the true essence of my religion, and I want to uphold it and it is every Muslim's responsibility to do so.

If this is what we Muslims call moving forward, then I'm sorry, I am feeling the most regrettable for my fellow Muslims who support this. Sure it might seem harmless, it might seem like pure, innocent, harmless fun, just a music video, but don't you think it's something we shouldn't be so proud of? People, especially kids these days might start getting the wrong idea and as a result, this becomes truly okay in the eyes of the society. Isn't it common sense that this is like a snowball effect? Ponder on it.

It is really no wonder that sometimes, our fellow Chinese and Indian friends get all confused and keep on questioning us Muslims on the things that are wrong, or right, in our religion. I don't fault them for being entirely ignorant. We have to blame ourselves, if we do not practice, and do not preach. Doing the opposite of what we are obligated to do - drinking alcohol as fine, clubbing as fine, eating pork as fine, basically not obliging to Allah S.W.T's orders as fine - will result in the truth getting lost. Therefore, we as proud Muslims must convey the TRUE message of what being a Muslim is all about, if not, the spreading of Muslim just as a label we put on ourselves is going to get worse, and we will witness the downfall of Islam in no time.


Truthfully, I debated whether to watch the music video. But for the sake of fairness if you would say, I looked through the video. I was sorely disappointed. There are many things that is plain wrong about it; the song, her actions and her clothes. Therefore, I personally agreed with my friend' views on this topic. It might be a norm for the western artiste to make such music video but the issue here is that she is NOT a western singer. She is from Malaysia and hence, become a representative from the Malay/Muslim community. I'm concerned how the singer's image would be reflected on the Islam community.

Furthermore, the last point from the post, about the mixed signal send to other races are definitely true. Unfortunately, I am guilty on the issue. A friend asked me before, "Hasyimah, I want to ask you a question. I thought wearing tudung is compulsory for Malay girls, how come you and (another Malay girl in my course) don't wear it?". In fact, this question was asked a few times. At first, I was speechless. It was a simple yet complicated question. How do I explained the situation so that they would understand. I went to consult my dad on the matter. My reply to the question the next time was " Wearing tudung is a must for Muslim girls. The fact that I'm not wearing it means I am consider to have sinned."

My prayers is that I would be able to change and be a better representative of Islam.

Kuih Rayas~

And so it starts, kuih galore~

Wednesday Night-Kuih Suji with Grandmother.

Thursday Afternoon- Kuih Ros at home

Friday Afternoon-Kuih Cornflakes at home

Friday Night-Kuih Tat ( I had a hard time flatting the dough and cutting the dough.)

All the kuihs are tasty. I think kuih makmur is next at gramps. After that is the hari raya feast with ketupat(rice cakes), ayam masak merah(chicken cooked in red gravy?) and daging redang (a type of meat dish, =/). Plus mugging for exams. Sigh.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Internship, YOG & Exams

I knew about it for some time, just never gotten around to announce it. So, I will be starting my internship at Ducktours on 20 September. I quite excited and anxious about it. 23 weeks of being a working woman. LOL!

Just wrapped up my participation in YOG. It was fun and i meet a bunch of interesting people. The army boys are really nice and appreciative of the volunteers. They really took care of us, especially me who is fasting. Sathia, one of the IC, personally thanked each of the volunteers for our time and effort. This is why I love getting involved in these kind of events. It is heartwarming to know your efforts are being appreciated even from the spectators. =D

Anyway, exam week is next week. I got to start studying soon. =/ I realize my last paper is on the day before Raya. I want to help weave the ketupat. T_T

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Tired to the bone.

Gah.. I feel so bad for not updating. I update as soon as I can. I'm glad when this semester over so that I can catch some zzz.

Sunday, July 11, 2010


Yesterday, I spent the whole day in town. I went for YOG training in the morning and I went to the NDP preview in the evening. The training was slow but they feed me well, 1 lunch and 2 tea breaks. The NDP preview was a bit of a disappointment. The people(whoever they are) neglected this year NDP for YOG opening and closing ceremony. Last year parade was much better. Fortunately, the fireworks were still the best.

Here's a video.

And thank god for no sound. If not, you will be hearing my squeaky voice singing along to the NDP song. LOL!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Please say no.

I notice how many are not updating their blog. We are all stress with the final year and our own personal problems. Yet, we are not together to comfort and console each other. I'm worried.

Are we drifting apart?

Monday, July 5, 2010


Ergh, I hate this semester. I'm so tired and depressed. =( By the way, I have quitted my job. Yesterday was my last day. I could not handle it. Plus, this Saturday is the YOG training day. At least that is something to look forward to.

Something that I would like to share.

Girls, can we meet? I miss you all.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

This is just how life is.

I like the music and when I found out the meaning of the lyrics, I love it even more.

I know I'm only 19 and still have a long way to go. But at the rate the time is going, soon I will be working and there goes the carefree years of childhood.

It flows away like the water of a river that cannot return.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Quite a bit of things have happened since my last update.

-My sister is a married woman.
-My small brother hit his head. You can see a part of his skull and he need 6 stitches. Poor kid.
-I burned the midnight oil and have a test on last Wednesday.
-Watched A-Team with school friends on Friday. I strongly recommend the movie.
-The family went KL on Friday so had the whole house to myself. I blame the expired passport.
-Sunday is the working day.
-The last two days were resting at home and catching up on schoolwork.
-I went to Botanical Gardens for schoolwork.

I don't have much pictures of the wedding but I have uploaded it to Facebook. You can look at the picture there.

Waterfall in Botanical Gardens

Sculpture for Singapore Garden Festival 2010. Exact replica.

I am addicted to this song. =))

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Stretch to the limit.

'School work have been crazy lately. Tutorials to do, deadlines to meet and surveys to conduct. Throw in the preparations for the wedding and work, I don't even have time to do anything else. I barely eat 1 meal a day and slept lesser hours than the recommended. Does this mean my lifespan will be shorter?

Looking forward for next week when the wedding is over and I would have some free time. I need to manage my time better.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Last Friday, I went out to collect information for tourists for my final year project. Basically, I have to approach tourists and ask them to spare me some of their time to complete a survey which is THREE pages long. So, I feel very grateful for those who helped. Plus, I met some wonderful people from various parts of the world; France, Australia, England, etc.
The two places that I went was Clarke Quay and City Hall. Going to these places made me feel like I'm a tourists. Sometimes I feel I need to go out more. HAHAHA. I took some pictures!

The Merlion
(Small Version)

ina Bay Sands

The Esplanade

The Floating Platform & The Flyer

The Fullerton Hotel (Future Workplace?)

Some of my group members: Shamini & Sharlene

Friday, May 14, 2010


Kim C is leaving 1night 2days variety show. T_T He is my most favourite member among the 7 members. It's going to be harder to see him around now because he hardly appeared in any shows.

This is why I love him (you can skip to 02:19):

I like to believe I will be able to do like what he did. My wishes for him is that he will continue to be successful in his music and a blissful life with his family.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Graduation Day

Not for me but my cousin. I attended her graduation ceremony yesterday at Republic Polytechnic. When she was called out, I can't contained my excitement and screamed her name. HAHAHA. Talk about embarrassing yourself. I wish I got some pictures to show but I was seated far away from the seat because I have no invitation card. T_T

Once again, I realized how time really flies. Just some tine ago, my brother graduated at the same venue. Now, he is in National Service with his shaved head. Next year will be my turn and fellow friends. Are we prepared for it? To be thrown into the harsh working environment? We have less than 1 year to go and it is short. For me, I have around 4 months to go for my internship. I either crash and burn or triumphed. For all those in internship or going for it, let's work hard. We can do it!

I have not seen eye candy for around 3 weeks. Where did he go? Maybe he is studying hard for his mid-year exams. *Sigh* I want to see him.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Life is fickle.

Last night I had a restless night. I was on my bed, getting ready to sleep, when it just dawned on me that I might not wake up tomorrow. I had occasionally thought of death before but this time it really affected me. I almost didn't dared to go sleep. I thought of all the sins I committed and the prayers that I missed. I thought about how I didn't cover myself and the pitiful amount of good deeds that I had done.

Aside from the fear, I felt aggrieved because if I die now, I will not be able to reach my dream. A dream that hopefully benefit the Muslim community and the world. I prayed that Allah will give me the opportunity and time to redeem myself. All of us are born into this world for a purpose and I hope my dream is that purpose.

P.S Sorry for the gloomy post.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

It's a bird, it's a plane,.....

No, it's SUPERBOY! Up, up and


Small siblings are so amusing. Once, he was watching a kids show and was dancing to the music. When he saw me, he immediately stop and act embarrass. HAHAHA!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Finally, an update.

Hello! This the first official post after almost one year. Hmm..,Where to start?

This is the third week of school and it has been crazy. I feel tired already with the upcoming reports and assignments where half of them are individual. However, I won't bored you all with details. I feel worried though on whether I am able to do a good job on the assignments.

Anyway, I wanted to share this song. Yes, it is from Korea BUT it is in English and is from an indie band.

Here the lyrics roughly:

Hot Potato – Something
(English lyrics: Tablo)

Got no answers
For all of the questions
The only thing that I know
Is that I do not know
I don’t know me

No solutions
For a lot of your problems
The only thing I can be
Something I don’t wanna be
I’m not what I used to be

Why you get mad
I don’t know anymore
I closed myself up
And I’m shutting the door
I’m not the nice guy
you fell head over heels
In love with before

Something’s wrong with me
And you don’t seem to disagree
When I say go away
It’s not really what I wanted
Wanted to say

Everything I said
It’s like I’m lost inside my head
I love you, But it’s true
I don’t know the things that I do
Maybe I am crazy in love

Got no problems
Thet all your's solutions
The only thing I can be
What you don’t want me to be
I’m not what I used to be

Why you get mad
I know baby I see
You closed yourself up
And the problem is me
I’m not the nice guy
You fell head over heels
In love I’m sorry

Something’s wrong with me
And you don’t seem to disagree
When I say go away
It’s not really what I wanted
Wanted to say

Everything I said
It’s like I’m lost inside my head
I love you, But it’s true
I don’t know the things that I do
Maybe I am crazy in love

Something’s wrong with me
But don’t you know I try to be
Beautiful, Wonderful
Though I maybe crazy baby
know that I am crazy for you

Please excuse his pronunciation. What you think?


Anyways, I have been hearing bad news about my friends these past few days. Be strong, girls (You know who you are). I might not have always been available but if you ask, I will be there. A listening ear always helps.

To end this in a positive note,

I cordially invite all my 6 lovely girls; Shila, Syafz, Myra, Faiezah, Yani and Evia, to my sister's wedding! It will happen on 6 June 2010 which fall on a Sunday(obviously) and is held at Blk 754A (Multi-Purpose Hall). The time is not confirm as yet. I will inform you all when the date gets nearer. I hope you all can come. =))

That's all folks.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Now showing in Blogspot!

It's done! Welcome back! *clap* *clap*. Hahaha. Just adding a few more touches. Will update when I have the energy. =P