Friday, July 11, 2008

A Busy Week

I was sooo busy for the past few days:


Business statistics test...again...

'NAFTA' test for TASIC...except that they replace incline pull-up to MEN pull-up and standing board jump to push-up. I did none for the first and only 1 for the second. My excuse for the second one is that they want STANDARD push-up. The one where you have to almost kiss the floor and I barely do 5 for the non-standard one. Haha


Skipped school. I was sooo tired from the NAFTA test. My sister and I got back at around 10 plus. My body was sore all over.


Went for the only lesson of the day. Microeconomics tutorial. Almost half the class did not attend. Then, I went for 2 project meetings. ITR and CATS. Went back to aunt's house to teach cousin for PSLE. Slept at around 3.30 in the morning. Finishing the ITR project.


FMM quiz that I didn't study for. Barely know how to answer half the questions. ITR deadline. We barely make the deadline. We send soft copy on the dot at 5pm and the hard copy 2 hours late at almost 7pm. Even then, it is not fully completed. *Sigh*At least it is over. Oh, and a bizarre thing happen to me. I was approached by this 2 women and asked whether did anybody talk about Christianity to me before. ?! I was raising my eyebrows. These 2 women are basically trying to convert me to become christian. No offence intended to the Christians. I'm a Muslim and will always be.


Finally, Friday. TGIF!! My favourite day of the week. There is SWIMMING! and TAS! Not coincidentally, I'm did not see any of my classmates on this day. I looove Friday! Hahaha.

So...this is pretty much what happen.

I hope I get into TASIC. Have to wait until next Tuesday to know the result. Next TAS meeting will be Round Island Cycling Expedition(RICE). We will be cycling overnight. IF my father give permission me. *sigh*. He already refuse to let me go for the Mt Stong trip.

On final note, tomorrow, or should I say today, I'm going family chalet. Can't wait for the barbecue. I'm going to gorge myself. Hahaha. It will be fun! I hope.

TAS rocks my life!