Monday, July 13, 2009

Caught in the rain.

A week have passed before I know it. Quite a few things happen last week...

The business message test was alright. I think I will do just fine. A lot of scribbling though. I wonder if Mrs Elsie Peng could read it.

My class held a fund-raising on Thursday. So, I help out after french to sell the drinks and snacks. Apparently, the class finish selling the snacks and only a few cans of drinks left. We made some profit. Around $100 plus.We need to raise more though. The event needs more money.

After the fund-raising, I and my sister went to pick up our NDP uniform. All red and white with a visor. The uniform was not bad. I look quite nice in it. LOL!

Next, came Friday. I'm officially can declared myself to be a Rotaracter. The Rotaract Club organised an to installation and induction day for all the new members. Some magicians perform some tricks. i think they should talk less and do more tricks instead of just two.

On Saturday, I went to Peiying Primary School to bring the kids for NDP. It was weird wearing the NDP uniform and walking around. One bus driver burst into the national song when he saw me. Seriously. It was interesting how they reserve a MRT train just for this primary 5 kids. We got the whole train to our self although it was a bit tight. The train didn't stop at all the stations but just the selected few. We stop at Raffles MRT and have to walk all the way to the floating platform. After some false alarm at the start, there was a heavy downpour at the finale of the parade. I didn't mange to wear my poncho on time and I was soacked to the skin. Even my socks are wet. But really, really fun. The rain was refreshing and the kids enjoy themselves.

Visited my grandmother's house on Sunday. My uncle from Jeddah have come to Singapore for business. I kind of miss him. He is a fun guy to hang out with. Eat durian. Yum yum. How sad that the durian season is over and we can go to pick up durian from my grandfather's kebun(orchard). Now, rambutan's season is here and I'm still is busy as ever. I would love to go kampung and stay in the kebun and wait for the fruits to drop. I have done it before. The kebun house might be a little dirty but once people live in it, it's not bad.

Lastly, Youth to Youth(Y2Y) camp. It's a camp where the TRM course will host students from all over the whole to come to learn about Singapore and the tourism. So, tentatively, only about 5 to 6 students from Japan are confirm going. So, Ms April Ng was in charge and needed 6 people maximum since only 6 students are confirm. About 13 of us apply to be part of the camp. And guess who manage to get in? ME! LOL! Yah!

I will tell about the Y2Y camp later. Right now I should be studying for my LAM test tomorrow, 30% of the whole module. So many things to remember, so little time.