The title says it all. I don't actually mind going to school. Just the fact that there is assignments and projects to do. I have issues with time management. I will figure something out. Somehow. Haha.
On a sad note, my grandfather's eldest sister(Nek Long) passed away yesterday around 3p.m. It was not really surprising as she was quite old. Around 80 plus. Truthfully, I was not really affected. Afterall, I only met her a couple of times as she lived in Melaka. But, this makes me think of my great grandmother(Nek Yang). My grandfather's mother. She is more than 100 years old and is still living. How should I put this? I empathised with her. It is hard for her to see her children passed away before her. Or even her grandchildren and great grandchildren. As she gets older, she lost more and more of her loved ones. Futhernore, it is difficult to find someone to take care of her. This is how life is so unpredicteable.
Maybe tomorrow will be different. Maybe.